Playing around with pattern and limited colour today, with my favourite mutants.
I got a bit carried away doing lots of little bits on my Olympus piece, then realised they were so small it was hard to see them. Here's a close up.

Here's my latest illustrationy thing, inspired by the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. The one with text hopefully says 'Greetings from Olympus' in that cheap-sent-last-minute postcard kind of way. If you would like one to decorate your house/cabin/parthenon, here is the link. (With free shipping worldwide until Sunday 30th.. via Hermes maybe?)

Today's drawing, an imaginary poster for Robyn's excellent 3 album series Body Talk. Check her out here. Prints in the shop here.

Travel sketchbook number 16: Memories of Toronto and the lantern festival that we went to there. Prints are here, if you want one.